CPT Rigs 123 & 223

CPT Rigs for Soil Investigation and DMT Soil Testing

Starting at


Base price for
the 10 ton CPT-123

Financing Term
Monthly Payment
$ 1,478 usd
Section 179
Tax Deduction?
$ 25,725 usd

CPT Rigs (Cone Penetrometer Test Rigs) are used for pushing CPT cones into the ground to obtain readings such as tip pressure, friction sleeve readings, pore pressure and seismic readings. This data is then used to interpret and classify soil conditions for numerous purposes, including determining the bearing capacity of the soil for construction. As the CPT cone is slowly advanced into the soils by the CPT rig, it collects the CPT readings, which are then recorded and displayed on a laptop. Most CPT rigs come in 10-ton, 15-ton and 20-ton pushing capacities and can be mounted on tracks, trailer or truck.

TMG Manufacturing prides itself on building extremely powerful, yet compact CPT rigs. These amazing rigs are the smallest 10 and 20-ton CPT machines on the market. Our CPT-123 and CPT-223 both feature unique folding anchoring mast systems, allowing increased maneuverability in tight spots. These CPT rigs also feature 23 hp gasoline engines, built-in pipe racks and power inverters, and include a standard dual-hydraulic cylinder mast with anchoring drive head.

Our CPT rigs can be track-mounted and anchored into the ground with augers, or truck or trailer-mounted.

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Download the brochure
Our newest CPT and DMT push rig for soil testing the CPT-223Our compact CPT and DMT push rig for soil testing the CPT-223Our CPT push rig for soil testing with the laptop and cpt cone equipmentOur small CPT Rig for soil test using the cpt cone, has retractable anchoring systemSmall rig for soil testing with CPT cone, with expandable auger anchoring system
Soil penetration test CPT push rig with its mast tiltedCPT investigation rig with outriggersCPT push system rig with anchors
Our cone penetration soil investigation rig comes with pipe rackControl for driven operations of our CPT rigChain driven auger anchoring system for the CPT cone testing rigRemote control for CPT cone push system of our CPT soil test rigCPT cone test rig with control panels for machine outriggers



  • 23 hp (17.1 kW) gasoline engine
  • Air cooled
  • 12 V electric start
  • Emergency stop button
  • Rpm gauge

Hydraulic System

  • 22 gpm (83.27 lpm) max hydraulic flow
  • Max 3000 psi (206 bar)
  • 2-stage gear pump
  • Feather touch controls
  • Oil cooler

Track System

  • Stationary track system (250 mm wide 1727 mm long - 9.8” wide 68” long)
  • 2B track motor with automatic brake system
  • Built-in grease filled tensioning arm and spring


  • Dual hydraulic cylinder mast with anchoring drive head
  • Tilt rotate for travel
  • 5 ft (1.5 m) stroke
  • 10 or 20 ton capacity

CPT Push Head

  • Hydraulic CPT clamp
  • Top down CPT push system (10 or 20 tons)


  • Auxiliary power inverter
  • CPT rod rack

Fuel Tank

  • 6 gallon (22.7 liters) fuel tank with fuel sending sensor

Hydraulic Oil Tank

  • 20 gallon (75 liters) hydraulic oil tank with built-in site level glass

Pushing System

  • 10 or 20 tons

CPTu Equipment (sold separately)

  • Controller datapack with data acquisition software
  • Cone - 10 or 15 cm, with friction sleeve, pore pressure transducer and dual axis inclinometer
  • 40 meters cable
  • 30 x 1 meter long cone rods
  • Spare parts:
    • 8 x piezocone cone tips
    • 8 x piezo filter HT (10 per pkg - in silicone)
    • 4 x friction sleeve
    • 2 x retaining O-ring kit
    • 4 x cone O-ring kit
  • Seismic option and other equipment options available


  • Remote control for driving operations
  • Multiple anchoring options available
  • CPT cone and software equipment sold separately
  • Seismic option available as an upgrade
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